Simple Portrait Lighting Setup: Gorgeous Result

Here’s Ryan’s description of how he shot it:
“For the lighting setup, I didn’t get too complicated on this one. I set her up next to a large Southeast-facing window and placed a large silver reflector under her face and to viewer’s left to punch it up some. It was cloudy outside, but that was offset by a lot of reflective snow on the ground, which made for this nice, soft light.” See more of Ryan’s work here.
A window and a reflector – so simple yet so effective (see tutorials below for more information on how you can do it).
Here are Ryan’s settings for the shot:
Camera: NIKON D700
Focal Length: 85mm
Shutter Speed: 1/200 secs
Aperture: f/2
ISO: 200
Related Reading
Want to take shots like this? Here are a few tutorials and resources that you might like to check out: